Yellow background logo with brick red lettering that says Lariat Loop, National Scenic Byway.

Become a Member

Are you interested in joining the businesses and organizations along the Lariat Loop that are making a difference? We’d love to have you join us. It's easy! Just fill out the form below and pay online.

Friend of the Loop

- Invitation to Lariat Loop events
- Receive our quarterly E-newsletter

Heritage Site Membership

- Online profile on with business description, photos and link to your business website
- Opportunity to list your events on and in E-newsletter
- Promotion of your organization and events on the Lariat Loop Facebook page three times a year
- Opportunity to promote your organization at Annual meetings with banner and swag in goodie bags.
- Use of Lariat Loop logo on your website, letterhead, facebook page and marketing materials.
- Opportunity to submit a travel itinerary that includes your site/business listed on our website under pre-planned trips.
- Opportunity to distribute our annual map.

Lariat Loop Partner

- Business listing on the map and logo on other printed materials.
- Online profile on with business description, photos and link to your business website.
- Opportunity to list your events on and in E-newsletter.
- Promotion of your business and events on the Lariat Loop Facebook page.
- Annual spotlight in our E-newsletter with your contact info.
- Opportunity to promote your business at membership meetings with banner and provide swag.
- Use of Lariat Loop logo on your website, letterhead, facebook page and marketing materials.
- Opportunity to submit a travel itinerary that includes your site/business listed on our website under pre-planned trips.
- Opportunity to distribute our annual map.

"*" indicates required fields


Become a member of the Lariat Loop today and raise your visibility, expand your reach in the community, drive traffic to your website, increase business, and so much more. A Lariat Loop membership is your key to gaining regional exposure through effective marketing. Join us today and experience the wonder of 40 miles of Western Adventure.
Personal Address
Business Address
Payment Method